Association statutes

Article I

Basic Provisions

Nanosymphony (OZ NSY) is a self-interested, independent, and voluntary association, a legal entity established in compliance with Act No. 83/1990 Coll.

The association has its registered office at Silvánova 23/B, 902 01 Pezinok, and operates throughout the territory of Slovakia.

Article II

Objectives of OZ NSY

The OZ NSY aims to connect individuals who have a positive relationship with music, based on voluntariness and interest. It supports the development of artistic activities of the music group Nanosymphony, brings the art of music closer to the young viewer and listener, and facilitates contact with a live concert for residents of cities in the region. The association fosters cooperation with the young generation, education, and art education. It ensures care for the professional growth of members of the association and offers them the possibility of an above-standard approach to the art of music through editorial activities, non-concert educational activities, and other relevant initiatives. To support its activity, OZ NSY may carry out publishing, commercial, and agency activities.

Article III



Persons over 18 years of age or legal entities that agree with the statutes and objectives of OZ NSY may become members of the association. Membership can be individual or collective. The Presidium of OZ NSY decides on the acceptance of new members based on a written application. Membership begins on the day of acceptance, and proof of membership is a written notice of acceptance as a member of the OZ NSY Association.

The application to the association must be submitted in writing and must contain the following:

  • For natural persons: name and surname, date of birth, address of permanent or temporary residence
  • For legal entities: organization name, address, ID number, extract from the commercial register
  • A declaration of commitment to complying with the statutes and other valid standards of the association

Membership expires through the following:

  • Written notification of the member on withdrawal from the association
  • Exclusion due to gross violation of the Statutes and objectives of the Association
  • Death of a member
  • Demise of OZ NSY

Honorary membership of OZ NSY may also be established through a special regime.


Article IV

Rights and Obligations of OZ NSY Members


Regular members of OZ NSY are authorized and obliged to participate in the implementation of the mission and goals of OZ NSY:

  • They have the right to vote and be elected to the bodies of the OZ NSY.
  • They have the right to enjoy the benefits of membership.
  • They have the right to participate in the negotiations of the association's bodies, which evaluate its activity, to give suggestions, proposals, comments, and appeals.
  • They have the right to request reports on the activity and management of the association.
  • They have an obligation to comply with the association's statutes.
  • They have an obligation to help fulfill the goals of the association to the best of their ability.
  • They have an obligation to act in the spirit of moral principles and fair play, to take care of the good name of OZ NSY.
  • They have an obligation to protect and improve the property of the association.
  • They have an obligation to properly and timely pay membership and other contributions approved by the association's authorities.

Honorary members of OZ NSY:

  • Can become a person who has made a significant contribution to the realization of the mission and goals of OZ NSY based on the decision of the competent body of OZ NSY.
  • Pay membership fees voluntarily, are not elected to the bodies of the Association, and can use their vote as advisory, not decisive.


Article V

Organs of the OZ NSY


The OZ NSY comprises the following bodies:

1. General Assembly (AGM)

The General Assembly is the highest body of the OZ NSY and includes all regular members. It approves the plan of main tasks for the upcoming period and evaluates the previous period. The General Assembly elects and dismisses members of the Presidency, the auditor, controls and evaluates their activities, and approves the budget of the NSY Association. It decides on honorary membership or termination of regular membership, cancellation or termination of OZ NSY, and change and modification of the Statutes of OZ NSY. The General Assembly meets at least once a year as determined by the Presidency. A majority of regular members must be present for the General Meeting to have a quorum.

2. Presidency of the Association of NSY

The Presidency of the Association of NSY is an executive, operative body that elects and dismisses the General Assembly. The mandate of the members of the Presidency is for five years, and after the election, they themselves choose the chairman. In case of the end of the mandate of one or at most two members of the Presidency, the Presidency may co-opt other members of the Presidency to the next General Meeting, which will confirm the co-optation, or elect new members of the Presidency. If the entire Presidency resigns, the competences of the Chairman take over, who calls an extraordinary General Meeting to resolve the situation.

The Presidency of OZ NSY ensures the realization of the objectives of the General Assembly, implements the resolutions of the General Assembly, manages the property of the OZ, approves the annual work plan of the Presidency, elects the chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary of the Presidency from among its members, decides on the admission and expulsion of a regular member, proposes to the General Assembly an honorary member of the Association, organizationally prepares the AGM, and, in the event of the dissolution of the OZ, appoints a liquidator based on the decision of the General Assembly.

3. Chairman of the Association of NSY

The Chairman of the Association of NSY convenes and directs the meetings of the Presidency. The chairman of OZ NSY acts externally as a statutory representative of OZ NSY with the competence to sign and make decisions in matters arising from the mission and activity plan of OZ NSY. In the chairman's absence, the officer is temporarily represented by a member of the Presidency authorized by him.

4. Auditor

The Auditor is the controlling body of OZ NSY. The Auditor is responsible for their activities to the general assembly, controls the management of the association, alerts the authorities to deficiencies and proposes measures to eliminate them, and checks compliance with the statutes and internal regulations. Membership in the presidency is incompatible with the function of auditor.


Article VI

Property and Management


The management of the OZ is regulated in accordance with the valid SR regulations for non-profit organizations and the activity and budget plan for the calendar year approved by the OZ authorities. Management assets consist of membership fees, contributions and donations of natural and legal persons, contributions from funds and foundations, or of other entities, grants, income from property or own commercial and agency activities of the OZ. Funds are deposited in a financial institution on a current account. Things of permanent value are registered in the inventory book. An inventory of assets is carried out once a year at the end of the calendar year and when the position of treasurer is handed over. Specific contributions and donations of natural and legal persons or other entities are recorded in a special list.


Article VII

Extinction of OZ NSY


The termination of OZ NSY shall be determined by the General Assembly, which shall also appoint a liquidator to handle property and legal arrangements. Within 30 days of completing the liquidation process, the liquidator must notify the relevant department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Slovak Republic about the termination of OZ NSY.


Article VIII

Final Provisions

These statutes become effective on the day of approval by the General Assembly. The articles of association may only be modified or supplemented by a decision of the General Assembly. Matters not covered by these statutes shall be governed by the generally binding legal regulations of the Slovak Republic.

These statutes were adopted in Bratislava on November 25, 2021.




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